Friday, October 15, 2010

A Date with Grease

Last night a few people from my floor and I dressed in our finest and adventured downtown to the Buell theatre to watch the musical Grease. Having never seen the play or movie before (I know, I know, how on earth could I be SO deprived?), I enjoyed it immensely. The actors and actresses were young, talented, and attractive. The music was beautifully performed and the singing was fabulous. The dances and costumes were flawlessly designed, resulting in a very enjoyable performance.

The only disappointing part of this fabulous play was the ending. Apparently the movie is a bit different, but the morals seemed pretty skewed. At the end, Sandy changes from the sweet, debatably too-innocent, girl, to a raunchy almost-slut in order to win back Danny's heart. I was sincerely disappointed by this message of changing who you are in order to get the girl/guy. There is a level of being willing to change one's faults in order to become a better person. Or realizing that leaving your dirty socks all over the floor really bothers your boyfriend or girlfriend and choosing to change and clean up. Yet, I think that people still overall need to accept one another for who they are. Changing your personality, clothing, and lifestyle for the worse to win someone's affections. Or giving in to their immoral demands to keep the relationship going, this isn't right. All the same, the performance was fantastic, and dressing up was great fun as well!

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