Kindness to the ungrateful and wicked. Luke 6:1-45
You know what I love? Perfect timing. When that sermon, talk, chapter, song, or Bible study chapter fit so perfectly into what you're going through, struggling with, or contemplating at that point in life. It's so wonderful. Divine coincidence, my favorite. It's just such a clear picture that there's a bigger plan, larger than we can realize, how everything fits together so perfectly that it couldn't be random or happenstance.
Surprisingly enough, today was one of those days. I started reading the text and just had to sit back for a second because it was so, so perfect, and I loved it.
Today is about love, not just the straightforward, logical kind, but the hard, possibly impossible kind. Loving your enemies. Whoo doggy! That's a toughie! But seriously. It is. I mean think of how easy it is to love friends, family, anyone who returns the love, or is at least nice. It's easy to love because you get love in return, its positive, you see the fruits of your labor. You want to make those people happy, so you love them because you care for them. But what about the difficult people, people you fight with, or even enemies. Yup. We're called to love them too. Even though there's a pretty good chance we won't see any fruits of our labor from that one, we're still called to love them. We'll probably never know the difference our kindness, compassion, and love made in their lives, but they'll know, and God will know, and that's all we need concern ourselves with. We're called to give to everyone, not just our friends, to be generous. Not just to give our food, money, and clothes to our friends in need, but to our enemies in need as well. That's hard, maybe not possible for us, but the good news is everything is possible with God.
A verse that's been sticking out to me all day is John 16:33, "In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
We're going to be called to love hard people. We're probably also going to be hated, scorned, and abused (mentally, spiritually, physically, you name it), but that's not the point. The point is that this is not our home. We don't belong here, and we are here because it's where Jesus wants us, to be His light in a dark, sinful world. To put aside our own interests and focus on those around us, friends, frenemies, and enemies alike.
Whew. Now that I've written a nice little essay...
-In what ways do you struggle with loving those who don't follow Jesus? How about those who are adamantly opposed to Him?
I mean some people are just hard to love. They're annoying or self-centered or just plain mean. Sometimes, too, it's frustrating to talk to people who are so stubbornly against Jesus. When people slander Jesus, that's hard too. I just feel so sad about it, Jesus doesn't deserve that. And then it makes me mad, because I don't want them to talk about Jesus that way! And then I think a little pride comes in when I also am secretly mad that they think of Jesus that way because it means they think I am a moron, they think badly of me.
Also it's hard to know how to love them. They don't want to talk about Jesus, its hard to give advice when everything links back to Jesus. I love people by serving them, giving gifts, listening, whatever, and if someone isn't receptive to that, I feel like I can't love them. But what I've realized is that I can't just love people with my love-language, I have to learn their language and love them that way too.
-What is it about yourself or your sin that lies behind these feelings?
Whoops. I should probably start reading ahead before I keep answering questions in the wrong place. But yeah. Like I said before, pride. I think there's a part of me that just doesn't want people to think badly of me. It's frustrating that they think so negatively about Jesus because it means they think negatively about me. I want everyone to like me. I'm a bit of a people-pleaser. And sometimes, too, I'm just selfish. I'm tired of reaching out, I'm tired of getting out of my comfort zone, I'm tired of pouring into people and often seeing no results, and sometimes I just want to give up and focus on me. And that's definitely wrong too.
-Everyone lends to those whom they think will pay them back. Jesus says to lend to those who can't or won't pay you back. What's your gut response to that?
Up until recently, my gut would be no. It's my money, I don't have much already, I need to keep it for me. But I've recently been able to let go of the necessity of money, and that is only by the grace of God, and though I'm not sure I'm 100% there yet, I think I"m getting to a place where I could, and would, just give it to them. Where my gut response would be "yes" because I know that I will always be provided for and needn't ever worry.
-Who is it that you've been expecting a payback from?
Nothing monetarily or materially, but I definitely want and often expect to get love in return. I expect that if I pour into a friendship people will put the same (or at least some) effort back into me. And often, that doesn't happen. I need to let that go, and just give my time, love, and friendship to people with no expectations of return.
-Where does loving enemies come into your prayer life? Who are the enemies you need to be praying for?
I don't think I have any personal enemies, per se, but there are still people who have hurt me and people who are just difficult to love/like in general. There are really horrible people that I don't personally know who need prayer, though, like dictators and war-lords and such. And I don't really think about it as often as I should, but they need prayer too. How awesome would it be if one of them gave their lives to Jesus? The whole world would have to notice! Also, there's just forgiving people who have hurt us, and praying for them even though they haven't exactly been nice. I like to ask God to bless people, even people who have hurt me, that's one way they come into my prayer life.
-What does this passage communicate about Jesus?
Just how incredibly loving He is. I mean there's this part of me that thinks, "well they don't deserve love." But then I remember...neither do I. But I still get it, and so do they. If God can love me, God can love anyone. And He does, He love everyone. This passage really shows Jesus' heart of and for loving those who don't seem to deserve it. Jesus showed that ultimate example when He died on the cross for our sins, for the people who had just screamed to have Him murdered, for the executioner or whatever who had just beaten Him to a pulp, for the robber scoffing at Him from the cross nearby. Jesus loved everyone. What an awesome example!
-What is God moving in you to confess, repent of, praise/thank Him for, believe, or do?
Hmmm. So like I said, this message hit home. But more because it went along with what I've been praying through/believing, rather than telling me what I've been doing wrong. I've felt very hurt by some...people...recently, and I can honestly say I am not and was not angry with them. I forgave them right away. And I don't say that to show how great and righteous I am, because I'm not, but to say that Jesus is absolutely amazing for allowing me to not be angry, to respond with love instead of retaliation, to just be nice back without wanting them to know how much I was hurt or expecting/demanding an apology. I believe Jesus allowed that, and I really am so thankful for it. He's really the very best person to have on our side :)
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