Monday, April 29, 2013

My Personal Exile: faith, cancer and survival

Susie Stewart didn't want to waste her trial. Suffering was an opportunity for growth, a chance to become more empathetic, love others and be loved by them. She was diagnosed with cancer in August 2012 and declared cancer-free in March 2013, and amazingly, she would do it again. The support of friends and family gave her encouragement through chemo. Notes, flowers and hats came from friends, showing her how much they cared. Susie's strength came from her family and her faith throughout her battle. She says her faith in God never wavered throughout her illness, her suffering wasn't wasted as she learned to perceive the world with a “lens more in focus.” She was able to have more empathy for those in suffering, and show more care to others. Cancer changed Susie's life, so profoundly she would, incredibly enough, go through it again.

LINK: My Personal Exile

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