Saturday, February 1, 2014

Restored by the Sea

Broken pieces
wash away into the sea
All the ugly parts
of me
I'm free? 

Sand should be washed white
Flawless and perfected

Or so I thought
it'd be

Like I'd blink my eyes 
a flash of light -
It'd all go away, 
But in
wounds heal, and
scars are there to stay 

Broken pieces do 
wash into the sea
Those ugly pieces pulled
by curling crests and forceful waters
Salty with tears of sins and sorrows 

But there are divots and dents
Fragments of shell crushed into the sand 
The ugly washed clean
Not perfected, but

But you can't forget the stories
If scars fade there's nothing to tell

Because I'm sanctified by blood and bruises 
Cleansed by grace for my depravity 

I can't forget that I'm unworthy 
Power of wind and waves remind me
I'm not needed, but, 
still held in high esteem 

Wind grabs ahold and pulls me
dragging broken pieces down
Washed into the sea

And the stormy waves
They wreck me

It was never a quick fix
Not one simple storm 
to wash it all away

Because those broken pieces run deeper
I'm not perfected, but

And the stormy waves are pleading
Come with Me 



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