Can't Do It All
My heart is hurting. I can feel it beating, thumping, pounding, a dull ache in my chest. Crying out, broken, hurting because there are so many lost people in the world, because there is so much suffering, and I can't fix it. I can't fix it all. I can't take all the broken hearts and stitch them up, I don't have enough band-aids and pills to heal the world. I can't comfort every crying child, I can't feed every starving person, I can't free every broken slave, I can't rescue all the sex-slaves and I can't adopt all the orphans. And my heart breaks for them all. I just want to fix the world, I want pain to be gone, I want justice, freedom, mercy, and love. I want the world to know love, I want everyone to be free. And I can't fix it, so my heart breaks. But I won't stop fighting, no, I won't. I know I can't heal every hurt, but that won't stop me from trying.
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