Jesus reveals the cost of following Him - Luke 9:57-62
While this is a rather short passage, it's also possibly one of the most powerful and important bits of scripture for our adventure with Jesus.
When we start believing in and following Jesus, life becomes awesome, but often "awesome" is interpreted as "easy."
But as Jesus clearly states in John, "in this world you will have trouble, but take heart, for I have overcome the world."
Reality check: it's not easy, but it's absolutely totally worth it.
Diggin' Deeper:
-What is it about Jesus that would draw people to spend time with Him, to follow Him?
I think people could really see Jesus' power. They knew He was no ordinary man. Luke 4:32 says, "they were amazed at His teaching, because His message had authority." Verse 36 says, "all the people were amazed and said to one another, 'What is this teaching? With authority and pwer He gives orders to evil spirits and they come out!'"
That kind of power, leadership, and authority is attractive, people wanted to be part of that.
-How often do you rely on how others view you as a gauge of your spiritual maturity?
This book is totally reading my mind...guess what I was just thinking/praying/feeling convicted about today? Yup. How often I do look to others' view of me to determine how I feel about my relationship with God. It's so easy to get sucked into worrying about if I look spiritual enough, if my walk with Jesus is impressive. God really showed me my pride in this area today, reminding me that this journey is about Him, absolutely not about me how anyone else perceives me.
-Notice the repetition of the word "first." What things do you tend to place "first" in front of Jesus?
Friends, family, comfort, things. It depends on the day and the circumstance, but I'd say those are things that it's way too easy to pick first. Or school, other commitments. How easy it is to say I'm too busy for time with Jesus, that I don't have a mere half hour to take out of my oh-so-incredibly important schedule to spend with the awesome King of the Universe. Way too easy to fall into that trap. Life is so busy, so full of appointments and commitments and crazy hectic schedules. Jesus is still more important, though. Thinking "I"ll do it tomorrow" is not okay. Jesus should be first, in everything.
-Why do you think Jesus is so harsh to some of those who wanted to follow yet had things to finish before they were able?
-Has following Jesus made life easier or harder for you? Why do you suppose that is?
Absolutely easier. I mean harder in the sense that there are more struggles, and sometimes it is hard to be trying to be "not of this world" in a society that is so of this world. But in the end, it is honestly so, so, so much better with Jesus. Trusting Him with everything, I don't have to worry or be afraid. I don't know where I'll be in five years, I have no ten-year-plan. And to be honest, I like it better that way. I used to worry all the time, and Jesus gave me peace. He took away my worry, took away my fear, He gave me a future. I don't know exactly what it entails, but I know it'll be an awesomely epic adventure with Him and I wouldn't trade that for anything. Following Jesus is legitimately the best thing that has ever happened, or will ever happen, to me. I can't imagine a life without Him.
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