Jesus prepares for the cross - Luke 22:7-38
Passover, breaking of the bread, Jesus announces that He will be betrayed by one of their own. He gives the disciples last words of wisdom, though even in His last moments they bicker about who would be the greatest in His Kingdom. He reminds them that the first shall be last, that the servant shall be first, that though they might think the one seated at the head of the table was the greatest, that He came as a servant. "For
who is greater, the one who is at the table or the one who serves? Is
it not the one who is at the table? But I am among you as one who serves." He tells them, what was written, prophesied in times past, would come to pass that very night - He would be betrayed and die for the sins of the many who had and would betray Him too.
-Jesus said that He "eagerly desired" to eat with His disciples. Do you believe that God eagerly desires to commute with you? How does this play out in your prayer life?
I do believe that, but I forget it far too often. Too many times prayer becomes about me praying for myself or the people in my life, circumstances that directly affect me. Or praising God, but still very one-way. I'm always talking, conversing, or making some sort of noise. I forget the listening part of prayer, and I forget the being part of prayer, just being with God.
It reminds me of once when I was specifically working on listening in my prayer life. I was laying outside, cool grass on my back and warm sun on my face, eyes closed, ears desperately straining to hear God's voice. I was all prepared, and so sure that I would hear something huge, wonderful, that God would really tell me something tangible. I tried so hard to still my mind and listen, and it was so hard. I didn't get it, what was the point of listening if God wasn't saying anything? And then all I heard was, "just be with me, just be with Me." And that's what I did. I laid there in the grass with God and we were just there together, no words, no praises or requests, confessions or thanks, just being, delighting in one another's presence.
I won't forget that moment, and it's a practice I need to make far more habitual than it currently is.
-What does the shed blood of Jesus accomplish for us? Why did Jesus' blood need to be shed?
This could be a dissertation or a shorter, simpler answer. I'll stick with short and simple - because we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Because without Jesus' salvation, without His death on the cross, without the shedding of His blood, perfect and holy, we would die. The wage of sin is death, that's what we deserve. Christ's blood paid the debt, purchased our freedom, so we could choose to live, and live a life with or without Him, He gives us that option, He paid for us so we could be free of sin, and it's up to us who we choose - Jesus or ourselves.
-How eagerly do you find yourself longing for the coming feast, when we will eat and drink with Jesus himself? What things in your life keep you from getting excited about that?
I was just thinking about that this morning! I'm just excited to be able to praise and delight in Jesus all the time, and to be surrounded by others also constantly delighting in our beautiful savior. I think right now my own sin and selfish attitude keep me from that. I get consumed with my own interests, keeping me from focusing on Jesus.
-Jesus gave His life for us. What must that have meant to His disciples who personally witnessed that? What does it mean to you?
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