Crazy Insane
It's one of those days. Those pretty-close-to-perfect days in terms of weather. The wind is a little strong, periodically knocking one off-course, but the sky is clear and blue, the sun warms your face, and there's that tantalizing smell of freshly-mowed grass in the air that hints at and dreams of summer.
It's perfect for an early-morning bike ride and contemplation, which I did this morning. Also perfect for a late-afternoon/early-evening bike ride, which I may do after dinner. Ok, this morning didn't actually include much contemplation. A little, though. I put my iPod on shuffle for my "lovejesusmusic" playlist and journeyed to Wash Park. It was the perfect quiet playlist for a chill bike ride around the peaceful park. For such wonderful weather there was a surprisingly low number of bikers, walkers, and joggers. I suppose my 7:30am ride just missed the super-early-exercise-before-work crowd and the later-morning-i-don't-have-somewhere-to-be crowd. Technically I'm in the first crowd, but waking up at 5am to work out...just not going to happen.
Anyways, it was lovely. The small man-made ponds/lakes were sparkling in the sunlight, pretty and blue as they reflected the clear sky. The heavy winds of this afternoon hadn't hit yet, and the air was clear, crisp, and a perfect balance between warm and chilly. I pedaled at a moderate speed, wanting exercise and to simply enjoy the beauty of the day.
It seems almost beautifully ironic that the weather today should be so spectacular. Not only is it Friday, which is wonderful in and of itself (because it signals the weekend, no classes, and the potential option of sleeping in and relaxing if one does not have too much homework or prior engagements), but it is also Good Friday. Even the name "Good Friday" has that same ironic beauty. Good Friday celebrates and remembers one of, what I believe to be, the most important days in the world's history and the fate of human beings (others include creation day, Christmas, and Easter Sunday). It's one of the most beautiful, hopeful, sacrificial, and beautiful days. It is also one of the saddest, most painful days. That is why it is ironic. Good Friday brought pain, suffering, tears, and death. It also brought unimaginable, unexplainable, incomprehensible love and sacrifice. It's one of those things where one finds "beauty in the pain."
I think of this day and I want to sing, scream, shout, and sit in utter silence, all for the absolute joy of realizing how incredibly I am loved. Those words are beautiful, and powerful. They're words we all want to hear and desperately desire to believe. They are words that mean everything, and nothing. They're words that are thrown around, "I love my cat. I love my dog. I love my family. I love my house. I love, I love, I love..." But they are also the most meaningful words one could possibly say, "I. Love. You." And that's what Jesus said to us. That's what Jesus said to you. That's what Jesus said to ME, when He died on that cross.
Just thinking about that, it makes me smile. Just smile. Because it is so incredible that Jesus loves me. Whaaatttt? Me? But...but...but...I'm lazy. I'm selfish. I'm jealous. I'm stubborn. I'm unwilling. I don't listen. I disobey. I get angry. I say mean things. I gossip. I am rude. I am disrespectful. I am self-centered. I am a sinner. And Jesus still loves me. Jesus forgives me. Jesus died for me. I so don't deserve it, yet I have still been given the incredible gift of Jesus' life. Somewhere in one of the four Gospels it say something like, "no greater love can a man show than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." Jesus displayed the utmost example of love for us. That's what Good Friday is about. The beauty, pain, joy, sadness, and amazing love of Jesus' sacrifice. It's crazy. It's insane. It's love.
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