I went to see Prince Caspian and the Voyage of the Dawn Treader with Katherine, Austin, and his family today. I love those movies (and the books) so much! Lewis was a genius. His portrayal of Aslan is pretty much just the way I picture Jesus. Aslan is so great and powerful. He's this majestic lion, he can be scary and intimidating. But at the same time he's this great fuzzy, lovable lion who the children can run and play with. They can bury their faces in his mane and cry or laugh. There are these beautiful scenes where the children frolic (that's like the only word that works to describe it) in the grass and just play. I love it. I love thinking of Jesus like that too, someone I can talk to about anything, hug and laugh with, but also someone who is the Lord of the earth and therefore powerful and terrifying, but great and majestic and loving and caring.
The movie was great! There were a few scenes I just LOVE in that movie. One of the good points is that Aslan doesn't do everything for the children. Like there are all these swords that have to be placed in the middle of Aslan's table to get rid of the evil demons that are taking over. I mean Aslan theoretically could have just gathered all the swords himself and the voyage would never have even had to happen. Then when most are finally gathered, Eustice (sure i spelled that wrong) gets the last sword and goes to the table to put it on the table. Now Aslan could have just transported Eustice to the table, but instead Eustice has to fight against his own fears and disbeliefs to get the sword to the table. All through our lives we wonder why God doesn't just do things for us, but if he did, think of all the things we wouldn't learn! If Aslan had done everything for the children, they wouldn't have changed and grown and learned. Eustice went from an absolutely abominable brat to a strong and courageous young man. Aslan helps the children, bringing them close to the solutions so they can reach the answers. He never gives them more than they can bear to do, but he does make them do things themselves. He cares and loves and provides, but he doesn't spoon feed them.
Then Lucy is in the tower reading a spell to help the weird little one-footed men. The whole movie Lucy struggles with not feeling beautiful. She's constantly comparing herself to her older sister, Susan and wishing to be that beautiful. She finds a spell for changing herself to look like Susan. She dreams she now looks like Susan, but suddenly she, Lucy, no longer exists. Her brothers never got to go to Narnia, bc Lucy wasn't there to discover Narnia. She comes back from her dream, still looking in the mirror, and sees Aslan. He tells her that she doubts her own value too much, and she must stop running from who she is. Jesus makes us as he wants us to be! We can't compare ourselves to everyone around us, wishing to be like this person, or look like that. We're made as we are, and we must stop doubting ourselves, because we are loved and made who we are.
Eustice is a bit of a brat pre-dragon transformation. He gets super greedy, takes dragon treasure, and becomes a dragon. He learns so much over this trial, and he and Reepacheep the mouse become fast friends. Bemoaning his unfortunate predicament, Eustice is sad about becoming a dragon. Reepacheep tells him that "Extraordinary things happen to extraordinary people." Yeah, bad things happen. It had to suck to turn into a dragon! But because of that, Eustice was able to do extraordinary things, and save tons of lives. He changed and grew and became a wonderful boy because of this trial.
And now my very favorite part of the entire movie/book. When Eustice is still a dragon, Aslan appears to him. Eustice attempts to scratch his dragon skin off, but he can't do it, Aslan has to do it for him. He says later that it was the best experience. He said how he tried to do it on his own, make the change, but he couldn't. He had to let Aslan do it. And yeah, it hurt a bit, but it was good, like pulling a thorn out of your foot. I love that best. We can't make the journey of life on our own, it's simply not possible. But Jesus can. We have to let Him. We've got to realize we're not strong enough, and accept Christ's strength to do the job for us.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Chills and Thrills
I'm was just hanging out in the Denver airport, listening to some Joshua Radin and waiting for Katherine to arrive when I realized, today is the last day of the last month of 2010. The year will be over in a number of hours, craziness.
In February we celebrated the fifth anniversary of Alex's adoption. On the one hand I can't believe we've had him so long, but at the same time I feel like we've had him forever. I can't really remember a time when Alex wasn't a part of our family. I remember the whole (lengthy) adoption process, but the kid is such a part of the family. I love him dearly, even if he can be a bugger at times. I don't think of him any differently than I do any of the other kids.
June brought summer and the opening of the pool. Oh how I love MFAC! We're one big family. It's fun and crazy and most definitely the best job ever. I so hope I can go back again this coming summer! I also became friends with Kaitee Bailey. We're not really friends now, I'm not really sure what happened. I guess some friendships just end, or maybe I'm just really incredibly boring. Regardless, we had a great summer hanging out, talking, staying up late, being crazy, and having fun.
So this year's been hard, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Senior year sucked, and some days I barely thought I could get through the loneliness and pain of rejection and few friends. But I got through it, by the grace of God. And college is more wonderful than I could have hoped. I didn't hope, for fear I would be disappointed. I've met such wonderful people who have helped me grow and loved me and I love them back. I pray they'll be there for a long, long while, but Jesus is here, no matter what. I've grown so much as an artist, too. Since taking my first official art class last year I knew that's what I wanted to do, but I've been able to explore it so much more in college. Not just photography, but painting and drawing and the 3D class was marvelous. I spent all of break painting a giant spoon on my wall. It's probably around 3 or 4 feet long and has tall buildings growing up out of the mouth of the spoon. I love it. I painted designs on the drawers of a bedside table and decoupaged the sides and top for Megan's Christmas present. I drew and took photos and am falling more and more in love with art all the time.
I've learned and stretched and hurt and laughed and cried and grown and smiled and I wouldn't trade anything for the experiences that have helped me grow closer to my Best Friend. I look forward to the next year, continuing my vegetarianism, friendships, education, art, and most of all, Jesus.
Unicorns and Smashed-Up Cars, Dancing Bears and Going Far
It's 4 AM. I leave in about an hour for the airport. Needless to say, it's been a long day. I was up incredibly late last night...well Wednesday night anyways...packing and painting and writing on here. Waking up early this morning (Thursday), I went for a run. At 50 degrees outside, it felt lovely. I ran a whole two miles! Quite a distance for me, I'm a terrible runner. After getting dressed I grabbed my dear little brother, Alex, and we drove off, ready to mark the first few things off my long To Do list. Fate was against us. I was out of gas, so we stopped at the nearest gas station. As I was pulling away, about to enter the street, my car sputtered out and stopped running entirely. Hazard lights went on, cell phone was pulled out, and I frantically began calling my parents. Alternating between my dad's phone, which refused to 'find itself' and ring, and my mom's phone, which either when to voicemail or hung up after a few rings, I soon left about 20 missed calls on each parent's cellular device. Cars would pull up behind me, sit there for awhile, stare me down in the rearview mirror, and then honk incessantly. One would think that hazard lights simply meant 'my blinkers are skitzophrenic and I'm really just trying to hold you up and piss you off." Somehow the people lining up behind my stalled car failed to realize that I couldn't turn right. They'd finally remember what hazard lights mean and pull around me. Frustratingly enough, none managed to stop and see if I needed help. I kept trying to turn my car on, but to no avail. My dad was at a doctor's appointment with my mom and said he couldn't come help. His lack of care for his daughter's plight was upsetting, but what happens happens! All the while I was praying the car would start or someone would come. Finally a nice lady from the gas station walked over from her car to see if I needed help. She wasn't able to push my car herself, but after calling her husband, and a few nice men filling their truck up assisted, my car was pushed into a safe parking spot. Thankfully Megan just got her license. She drove the suburban to the Phillips station and picked us up. We commandeered the suburban, after dropping Meg off at home, and journeyed on to the mall.
Our adventures were far from over, due to my rather forgetful brain. Dear Alex was a great sport, I'm quite proud of him. We finally found a parking space at the quite crowded mall and walked/skidded inside, only to find that I had forgotten my bag with the sweater and keyboard cover I needed to return! Dashing back out to the car, we grabbed the bag, and made our way back inside. Then it was back and forth across the mall. We looked for slippers, found hats, changed our minds about what to buy, returned my sweater, found clothes for me to exchange the sweater for, looked for a few late Christmas gifts, bought Alex's new ZuZu pet (named Rocko), and purchased my new iPod at the Apple store. A bit worn out, with many errands left to run, we went back out to the car. I then discovered I had forgotten to return the keyboard cover! Back into the mall, up the escalator, and to the Apple store we went. I'm sure they thought I was the dumbest blonde to enter the store in at least a few days, hopefully not. I returned the keyboard cover and we went to Target. A few pairs of socks and some shampoo later we were back in the car. Poor Alex was hungry, but he cheerfully played with Rocko and didn't complain. We picked up my paycheck and went to the bank.
I'm not a big fan of banks. They stress me out, money is just a stressful thing! Plus, they change the way one is to deposit money every time, I swear. Sometimes you have to provide the account number, but they have to give it to you. This frustrates the teller. Then I'm never sure which lines to write the check amount and number and dollar amount on, and it changes based on a deposit or withdrawal. Confusing. Then sometimes you have to write in your name and sign the slip of paper, other times the teller doesn't care! So many variations result in me asking a lot of questions, and the banker looking at me like I'm mentally challenged. I generally leave banks feeling like quite the moron. Ah, well.
We got back home and I went to go set up my new iPod. The screen was messed up. First the car, then the iPod, it was almost more than I could bear! I packed it up and prepared to go back to the mall...again. Megan came with me, and before we had left she looked at the iPod to see what was wrong. It miraculously worked, I thank Jesus for fixing it. So I didn't have to go back to the mall and look like the truly dumbest blonde ever, which was a blessing. I spent the next hour putting music and photos on my new iPod. His name is Fredrick.
Frenzied packing and general running around flipping out ensued. Not enough time, too many clothes, and not enough space in my bags. I'm now currently facing a massive duffel bag I could definitely fit in, one only slightly smaller, a way-too-large camera bag stuffed with three cameras, an external harddrive, various batteries, lenses, and other cameraic odds and ends, and a dinosaur backpack stuffed with books.
We went out to O'Charley's for dinner, last family event before I head back to college. A few hours and much packing later, Charlie and Andre came over to chill for a bit. It was so good to see them! We talked, listened to music, and took a midnight hippie trip to Taco Bell and Jack in the Box. Hippie for Andre and I...we just chilled in the back of Charlie's van, which currently has no back seats, just like old times. Some old times are still good times, quite lovely.
Now I get to finish packing and then leave for lovely Denver! I'm so excited to be back, and see Katherine and Andy and Alaina and everyone else!
Our adventures were far from over, due to my rather forgetful brain. Dear Alex was a great sport, I'm quite proud of him. We finally found a parking space at the quite crowded mall and walked/skidded inside, only to find that I had forgotten my bag with the sweater and keyboard cover I needed to return! Dashing back out to the car, we grabbed the bag, and made our way back inside. Then it was back and forth across the mall. We looked for slippers, found hats, changed our minds about what to buy, returned my sweater, found clothes for me to exchange the sweater for, looked for a few late Christmas gifts, bought Alex's new ZuZu pet (named Rocko), and purchased my new iPod at the Apple store. A bit worn out, with many errands left to run, we went back out to the car. I then discovered I had forgotten to return the keyboard cover! Back into the mall, up the escalator, and to the Apple store we went. I'm sure they thought I was the dumbest blonde to enter the store in at least a few days, hopefully not. I returned the keyboard cover and we went to Target. A few pairs of socks and some shampoo later we were back in the car. Poor Alex was hungry, but he cheerfully played with Rocko and didn't complain. We picked up my paycheck and went to the bank.
I'm not a big fan of banks. They stress me out, money is just a stressful thing! Plus, they change the way one is to deposit money every time, I swear. Sometimes you have to provide the account number, but they have to give it to you. This frustrates the teller. Then I'm never sure which lines to write the check amount and number and dollar amount on, and it changes based on a deposit or withdrawal. Confusing. Then sometimes you have to write in your name and sign the slip of paper, other times the teller doesn't care! So many variations result in me asking a lot of questions, and the banker looking at me like I'm mentally challenged. I generally leave banks feeling like quite the moron. Ah, well.
We got back home and I went to go set up my new iPod. The screen was messed up. First the car, then the iPod, it was almost more than I could bear! I packed it up and prepared to go back to the mall...again. Megan came with me, and before we had left she looked at the iPod to see what was wrong. It miraculously worked, I thank Jesus for fixing it. So I didn't have to go back to the mall and look like the truly dumbest blonde ever, which was a blessing. I spent the next hour putting music and photos on my new iPod. His name is Fredrick.
Frenzied packing and general running around flipping out ensued. Not enough time, too many clothes, and not enough space in my bags. I'm now currently facing a massive duffel bag I could definitely fit in, one only slightly smaller, a way-too-large camera bag stuffed with three cameras, an external harddrive, various batteries, lenses, and other cameraic odds and ends, and a dinosaur backpack stuffed with books.
We went out to O'Charley's for dinner, last family event before I head back to college. A few hours and much packing later, Charlie and Andre came over to chill for a bit. It was so good to see them! We talked, listened to music, and took a midnight hippie trip to Taco Bell and Jack in the Box. Hippie for Andre and I...we just chilled in the back of Charlie's van, which currently has no back seats, just like old times. Some old times are still good times, quite lovely.

Thursday, December 30, 2010
Miles and Miles and Miles and CDs
We drove back from my grandparents house in Georgia today. It's a long ride, and we spent it listening to a dramatized version of the Chronicles of Narnia. We listened to The Magician's Nephew; The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe; The Horse and His Boy; and Prince Caspian and the Return to Narnia. I really love those books. I remember sitting in my dad's lap in a giant brown armchair in Russia and listening to my dad read those books to me. I was probably only around four. The movies terrified me when I was young, the old version of the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe sports a frightening witch and wolves. Still, they're probably some of my favorite stories, when I come to think of it.
I especially love Aslan. I always named my toy lions after him, even if they were female or clearly Simba from the Lion King. Listening to the stories now, I'm able to understand more of the theology behind the tale, and I see how Aslan has shaped much of my image of God.
C.S. Lewis was a Christian, and wrote many parts of the books as an allegory to the Bible and Jesus. In the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Aslan sacrifices his life to save the life of a traitor, Edmund. Hearing that part of the story I thought of the crucifixion. It's crazy that Jesus died for us, giving up everything. Lucy wants to tell Edmund what Aslan did for him, but Susan advises against it, feeling that Edmund already feels terrible enough for his blunders. Still, Lucy says, "I think he should know." Sometimes I think we're the same way. We've read the stories, watched the movies, seen the pictures. We know what Jesus did...but do we really know? I wonder. Maybe we need to be told again, really told, and really listen, really contemplate and comprehend what a great, great sacrifice was made on our miserable behalfs.
I dearly love the image of Lucy and Susan riding on Aslan's back. I smile listening to the readers tell of the children playing with Aslan, burying their faces in his soft mane. He's powerful and strong. He's wild and terrifying. He's loving and gentle. He's caring and kind. He's their king, and they love him with all their hearts. I love thinking of Jesus like that. Though He's a great King, powerful and mighty and to be feared, I can still come to Him and be loved. I can still tell Him my fears and terrors and sorrows and joys. He'll comfort me and hold me. He'll love me and care for me. But He'll also rebuke me when I need it (which is often) and sometimes when He watches out for me, it hurts at first. But everything He does is for a reason, everything has a purpose. Maybe sometimes, though, I'm seeing it the wrong way.
It's like in The Horse and His Boy. Shasta is walking along bemoaning his unfortunate life. Aslan comes along and asks why Shasta is so miserable, why his life is to be perceived as so awful. Shasta talks about how he was abandoned as a baby and brought up by a cruel fisherman. He escaped with Bree, the horse, only to be chased by lions, stranded in the desert and terrified by monsters at the tombs, and chased by more lions later. He had to run far when he was exhausted, and now he was lost in a strange land. The great lion, Aslan, replies that he does not believe Shasta has led such a terrible life after all. Confused, Shasta asks why. Aslan proceeds to explain that he was the lion who pushed the basket Shasta had been left in as a baby to shore so the fisherman would find it. He said he was the lion who chased Shasta and Bree, uniting them with Aravis her mare, Quinn. He explains that he was the lion who chased away the jackels at the tombs and that he was the cat who comforted Shasta while he slept at the tombs. He says he was the lion who terrified the horses the second time, giving them the speed of fear so they could reach the castle in time to warn the king of an attack. Then the light of morning comes and Shasta is able to see that the lion, who had been walking with him all night, had kept he and his horse from falling off the steep path. So many things in Shasta's story seemed so awful. His life did seem quite miserable when one looked at it. But one would be looking at it from the wrong perspective. Shasta's life had been saved countless times, and he had been brave and saved many lives, even though he was tired or scared.
I think a lot of the time I look at things the wrong way. I think life sucks, and focus on the outwardly bad appearance of circumstances. But everything's got a reason, everything's got a plan. Sometimes bad things just happen, but good can come out of them. You have to be willing to look for the good though, and to trust God's hand in things. He's got things under control, He always does. Sometimes we might not think it, but it might just be because we don't understand. He always knows what He's doing, and He never fails us or lets us go. We're not always meant to understand, but we are to follow and trust and obey.
I especially love Aslan. I always named my toy lions after him, even if they were female or clearly Simba from the Lion King. Listening to the stories now, I'm able to understand more of the theology behind the tale, and I see how Aslan has shaped much of my image of God.
C.S. Lewis was a Christian, and wrote many parts of the books as an allegory to the Bible and Jesus. In the Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, Aslan sacrifices his life to save the life of a traitor, Edmund. Hearing that part of the story I thought of the crucifixion. It's crazy that Jesus died for us, giving up everything. Lucy wants to tell Edmund what Aslan did for him, but Susan advises against it, feeling that Edmund already feels terrible enough for his blunders. Still, Lucy says, "I think he should know." Sometimes I think we're the same way. We've read the stories, watched the movies, seen the pictures. We know what Jesus did...but do we really know? I wonder. Maybe we need to be told again, really told, and really listen, really contemplate and comprehend what a great, great sacrifice was made on our miserable behalfs.
I dearly love the image of Lucy and Susan riding on Aslan's back. I smile listening to the readers tell of the children playing with Aslan, burying their faces in his soft mane. He's powerful and strong. He's wild and terrifying. He's loving and gentle. He's caring and kind. He's their king, and they love him with all their hearts. I love thinking of Jesus like that. Though He's a great King, powerful and mighty and to be feared, I can still come to Him and be loved. I can still tell Him my fears and terrors and sorrows and joys. He'll comfort me and hold me. He'll love me and care for me. But He'll also rebuke me when I need it (which is often) and sometimes when He watches out for me, it hurts at first. But everything He does is for a reason, everything has a purpose. Maybe sometimes, though, I'm seeing it the wrong way.
It's like in The Horse and His Boy. Shasta is walking along bemoaning his unfortunate life. Aslan comes along and asks why Shasta is so miserable, why his life is to be perceived as so awful. Shasta talks about how he was abandoned as a baby and brought up by a cruel fisherman. He escaped with Bree, the horse, only to be chased by lions, stranded in the desert and terrified by monsters at the tombs, and chased by more lions later. He had to run far when he was exhausted, and now he was lost in a strange land. The great lion, Aslan, replies that he does not believe Shasta has led such a terrible life after all. Confused, Shasta asks why. Aslan proceeds to explain that he was the lion who pushed the basket Shasta had been left in as a baby to shore so the fisherman would find it. He said he was the lion who chased Shasta and Bree, uniting them with Aravis her mare, Quinn. He explains that he was the lion who chased away the jackels at the tombs and that he was the cat who comforted Shasta while he slept at the tombs. He says he was the lion who terrified the horses the second time, giving them the speed of fear so they could reach the castle in time to warn the king of an attack. Then the light of morning comes and Shasta is able to see that the lion, who had been walking with him all night, had kept he and his horse from falling off the steep path. So many things in Shasta's story seemed so awful. His life did seem quite miserable when one looked at it. But one would be looking at it from the wrong perspective. Shasta's life had been saved countless times, and he had been brave and saved many lives, even though he was tired or scared.
I think a lot of the time I look at things the wrong way. I think life sucks, and focus on the outwardly bad appearance of circumstances. But everything's got a reason, everything's got a plan. Sometimes bad things just happen, but good can come out of them. You have to be willing to look for the good though, and to trust God's hand in things. He's got things under control, He always does. Sometimes we might not think it, but it might just be because we don't understand. He always knows what He's doing, and He never fails us or lets us go. We're not always meant to understand, but we are to follow and trust and obey.
Don't Quit On Me...
Welp, I'm officially the worst blog-writer ever. It's been how long since my last post? Ah, well, can't be helped. The chances that this is actually being read are pretty slim anyways :p
So we went to Georgia to visit my grandparents the day after Christmas. That makes me realize I didn't write a blog about Christmas. I feel bad, I mean it was the celebration of my Savior's birth. The beginning of His great sacrifice for us. I should have focused on it more than I did. Christmas just didn't feel...Christmas-ey this year. I don't know what was different, maybe because my other set of grandparents (the ones from Texas) weren't there this year. Maybe I'm just more focused on my self and less-focused on those around me, or the joy of the season, than I'd like to think. Regardless, I feel like I just woke up one day and it was Christmas morning. Like despite all the cookie-baking, cleaning, and decorating we did, it wasn't that big day of celebration. The season didn't seem as joyous as it should have. Part of it may be that the Christmas tree was up the whole time I was at the house, so there wasn't a transformation from pre-Christmas to Christmas decorations. Maybe I was too focused on how much I miss Denver and the friends I have there. Maybe I'm just not full of the joy I should be full of. I think that could be part of it.
I've felt kinda...dull, blah, deadish, these past weeks. I'm striving, and praying, so much to be able to find joy in Jesus, no matter the circumstances, but it's hard! I haven't been depressed or sad or missing school so much it hurts. I've been generally happy and content with my lot in life. But I've still felt very very blah. Like a big white blob of something dolloped on your plate in the cafeteria. It's cold and boring and not especially appetizing. Not that I'm food or anything...
I'm extremely excited to for returning to Denver, though. I leave around 6AM on Friday! This means I only have one day to prepare...cleaning, packing, washing clothes, running errands, painting, and a lot more packing and running around. It's a bit hectic. I'm mildly stressed. Plus hoping to see a few more people I won't be able to see until summer. We'll see how it goes! I'm anticipating very little sleep over the next few days. That's okay, the vampire look is in, right? Maybe more of a zombie...but those are cool too, right? Either way, I'm thrilled. I'm hoping that once I'm around friends and having more fun, and seeing the absolutely gorgeous Colorado mountains again, I'll be more interesting. Maybe I'm so boring because I AM bored, there isn't much to do here. I've been painting a lot. Which has been great. But there isn't much variety. Who knows, maybe I'm just a boring person and just realizing it! Maybe I've just been asleep for awhile and need to wake up. So I'm praying and thinking and packing and painting and dashing madly about in an attempt to get everything into one or two suitcases. We'll see how it goes. Peace. (:
So we went to Georgia to visit my grandparents the day after Christmas. That makes me realize I didn't write a blog about Christmas. I feel bad, I mean it was the celebration of my Savior's birth. The beginning of His great sacrifice for us. I should have focused on it more than I did. Christmas just didn't feel...Christmas-ey this year. I don't know what was different, maybe because my other set of grandparents (the ones from Texas) weren't there this year. Maybe I'm just more focused on my self and less-focused on those around me, or the joy of the season, than I'd like to think. Regardless, I feel like I just woke up one day and it was Christmas morning. Like despite all the cookie-baking, cleaning, and decorating we did, it wasn't that big day of celebration. The season didn't seem as joyous as it should have. Part of it may be that the Christmas tree was up the whole time I was at the house, so there wasn't a transformation from pre-Christmas to Christmas decorations. Maybe I was too focused on how much I miss Denver and the friends I have there. Maybe I'm just not full of the joy I should be full of. I think that could be part of it.
I've felt kinda...dull, blah, deadish, these past weeks. I'm striving, and praying, so much to be able to find joy in Jesus, no matter the circumstances, but it's hard! I haven't been depressed or sad or missing school so much it hurts. I've been generally happy and content with my lot in life. But I've still felt very very blah. Like a big white blob of something dolloped on your plate in the cafeteria. It's cold and boring and not especially appetizing. Not that I'm food or anything...
I'm extremely excited to for returning to Denver, though. I leave around 6AM on Friday! This means I only have one day to prepare...cleaning, packing, washing clothes, running errands, painting, and a lot more packing and running around. It's a bit hectic. I'm mildly stressed. Plus hoping to see a few more people I won't be able to see until summer. We'll see how it goes! I'm anticipating very little sleep over the next few days. That's okay, the vampire look is in, right? Maybe more of a zombie...but those are cool too, right? Either way, I'm thrilled. I'm hoping that once I'm around friends and having more fun, and seeing the absolutely gorgeous Colorado mountains again, I'll be more interesting. Maybe I'm so boring because I AM bored, there isn't much to do here. I've been painting a lot. Which has been great. But there isn't much variety. Who knows, maybe I'm just a boring person and just realizing it! Maybe I've just been asleep for awhile and need to wake up. So I'm praying and thinking and packing and painting and dashing madly about in an attempt to get everything into one or two suitcases. We'll see how it goes. Peace. (:
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Friendsies and Life
I just got back from the HEIGHTS (the gym near my house, where I'm a lifeguard. It's pretty sweet) where I attended one of the boot camp classes. It was intense. I'm tired, and happy. Working out is loverly.
So I haven't really hung out with very many people here. Part of me was hoping that since I was home, friendships that ended would be rekindled. I'm still not sure what happened to make so many people "unfriend" me. I guess boyfriends and girlfriends change people's priorities. It's life.
I was going through photos on facebook the other day. Nearly all my photos are with people who I don't see or talk to anymore. It made me a bit sad at first, seeing all good times now over. Then I realized that wallowing in the sadness of friendships past wasn't going to get me anywhere. Better to just remember the laughter and fun and smile. Appreciate and be thankful for the times I did have with those people. It's sad the relationships are over. It's sad that either I scared them away or they didn't care. It's sad that we won't have those times again. But at least I had those times at all! I learned and grew and had fun. It's all a part of life, the endless cycle of people. Some people are just a dot on the painting of life. Others are long threads, weaving in and out. Some appear for awhile, disappear, and come back later. People come and go, change and grow, love and hate and hurt. We can't control it. So it's best just to live. Accept what comes, mourn what goes. Then stand up, wipe away the tears, and continue with life. Living in the past gets no one further into the future. The past effects our future, but we can never return to it.
So instead of feeling melancholy while I browsed photos, I smiled. I remembered the fun I had that one time, that one place, with that one person, and I enjoyed the good times past, and hoped for better times with new people to come.
And I've had some great times with a few friends while I've been home. The chickenologists from MRH are fabulous. We chilled and took ugly pictures. It was lovely. Hopefully Kaila will post the photos on facebook soon! I had a few other people from MRH over last weekend. We decorated cookies (sorta...mostly we just pigged out on deserts. Long time in the gym the next day.) and watched movies. Well...half of us stayed awake for one, go Bourne!
I've hung out with Megan a bunch too. She's pretty great. We mostly just talk. We journeyed to the mall the other day, trying on clothes, laughing at people or merchandise, and buying Christmas presents. I found some pretty great ones!
I went to the City Museum with Megan, her bff Holly, and Andre last week too. It was super fun! I love that place. It's the best. There was a campfire outside and they were giving out marshmellows to roast. We found some sweet little tunnels and just chilled, talking and scaring small children. Small being a relative term.
Tuesday Andre and I watched Get Him To The Greek with Russel Brand. That guy has a fabulous voice. He should have a band, I would buy his CD. The movie was good, a bit raunchy, but funny. "So when life slips you a Jeffery, stroke the furry walls." Andre's puppies are super sweet and really chill. We took a family picture:
So I haven't really hung out with very many people here. Part of me was hoping that since I was home, friendships that ended would be rekindled. I'm still not sure what happened to make so many people "unfriend" me. I guess boyfriends and girlfriends change people's priorities. It's life.
I was going through photos on facebook the other day. Nearly all my photos are with people who I don't see or talk to anymore. It made me a bit sad at first, seeing all good times now over. Then I realized that wallowing in the sadness of friendships past wasn't going to get me anywhere. Better to just remember the laughter and fun and smile. Appreciate and be thankful for the times I did have with those people. It's sad the relationships are over. It's sad that either I scared them away or they didn't care. It's sad that we won't have those times again. But at least I had those times at all! I learned and grew and had fun. It's all a part of life, the endless cycle of people. Some people are just a dot on the painting of life. Others are long threads, weaving in and out. Some appear for awhile, disappear, and come back later. People come and go, change and grow, love and hate and hurt. We can't control it. So it's best just to live. Accept what comes, mourn what goes. Then stand up, wipe away the tears, and continue with life. Living in the past gets no one further into the future. The past effects our future, but we can never return to it.
So instead of feeling melancholy while I browsed photos, I smiled. I remembered the fun I had that one time, that one place, with that one person, and I enjoyed the good times past, and hoped for better times with new people to come.
And I've had some great times with a few friends while I've been home. The chickenologists from MRH are fabulous. We chilled and took ugly pictures. It was lovely. Hopefully Kaila will post the photos on facebook soon! I had a few other people from MRH over last weekend. We decorated cookies (sorta...mostly we just pigged out on deserts. Long time in the gym the next day.) and watched movies. Well...half of us stayed awake for one, go Bourne!
I've hung out with Megan a bunch too. She's pretty great. We mostly just talk. We journeyed to the mall the other day, trying on clothes, laughing at people or merchandise, and buying Christmas presents. I found some pretty great ones!
I went to the City Museum with Megan, her bff Holly, and Andre last week too. It was super fun! I love that place. It's the best. There was a campfire outside and they were giving out marshmellows to roast. We found some sweet little tunnels and just chilled, talking and scaring small children. Small being a relative term.

Sunday, December 12, 2010
Is It A Wonderful Life?
I have so many random thought dashing through my mind right now. Hopefully I can make sense of them...I'll do my very, very best.
We watched It's A Wonderful Life tonight as a family. I strongly dislike that movie, a fact I discovered only just this evening. I know, I know, I'm crazy. That's one of those movies you are supposed to watch and feel all warm and fuzzy inside because it's so cute and has a happy ending and gives meaning to life. It's really quite ridiculous and self-centered that such a movie should make me feel so negative. Maybe I'm just moody, maybe I'm retarded, maybe I'm completely narcissistic. Those are all quite valid options.
I'm the kind of person who loves to do things for people, loves to give gifts, loves to help, loves to make people happy, etc. But I also love to be appreciated for these actions. I'm bad at just serving for the sake of serving, I want recognition. Just a "thank you," or "we need you," or "we couldn't have done it without you" ... that sort of thing. It's kind of a problem, because I then get mad or frustrated that people (aka my family) haven't noticed how much I've done, or properly recognized it, and then "we've got a big, big mess on our hands tonight..." (The Academy Is). I'm not sure if this even makes sense...but anyways...
I'm also one of those kinds of people who frequently wonders what impact I actually have on people's lives. I've had a lot of friends, and I've lost a lot of friends. I don't know if I'm just a terrible friend, if there's something wrong with me, if I push people away (unintentionally), or if I'm just not the sort of person who is meant to have lasting friends. Watching It's A Wonderful Life didn't make me realize how much I'm needed in the world, instead it reminded me of all the times I've felt so helpless and useless, unwanted and unneeded. I kinda wish I could have a George Bailey moment (aside from the jumping into a freezing lake in the dead of winter after my guardian angel). I wish I could know that whatever I've done in this life has made some sort of difference. Sometimes I'm not so sure it has. I haven't done great things like George Bailey had. He gave up so much for his friends and family and town. He sacrificed himself constantly for others, but he was never bitter. Well...he mostly wasn't. That day he was. Anyways, he was a generally cheerful and loved person. Of course his life made a difference!
Then at the end of the movie George gets a Bible from his guardian angel. It has a quote on the inside that says, "Remember, no man is a failure who has friends." That quote only added to my negative feelings. Like I said, I've lost a lot of friends. Most of them, in fact. I have absolutely wonderful friends at college. I love them dearly. They are the greatest, but back in St. Louis, I have very few friends. So does that make me a failure? And if so, what have I done so wrong to have so many people leave.
Then I had a miniature fight with my dad...more like a slight disagreement. So I was pissed. And feeling very unappreciated. I've been doing a lot here...cooking and cleaning and dishes and laundry. I'm not actually sure how anything was done when I wasn't here! But mom said they got along just find without me, so I guess they figured out a way. I went up to my room in a pretty bad mood. I'm not proud of it, but that's just the way it was.
I started painting. Painting is wonderful. Art is great. It's therapeutic. I'm so thankful God gave me art, because sometimes I feel like that's all I have. It made me feel a bit better, I was just sitting there painting and thinking and questioning. Questioning is good. It's better than just accepting life and hating it. I don't think there's anything wrong with questioning God. I think He would rather us be upset and questioning and at least talking to Him than in a static and routine religion. I don't even remember exactly what I was thinking or saying, but I know He told me I was being silly. I was like, "I know! But I want to act like a ridiculous child! I don't want to accept anything, I want to be in a bad mood and angry and hurt!" I thought about the movie, and failing. I thought about not being accepted or needed. I thought about people leaving, losing friends. I wondered what is the point in caring so much about people, or putting so much into a relationship, if people leave. And I just remember very clearly hearing, "Have I ever walked away?" Yeah. Good point. I shut up and thought more about Jesus after that.
He doesn't leave. He's never walked away. He's always there, even though I complain and argue and bitch. I whine so much. I take Him for granted. I'm upset about people not appreciating me...let's just think for a second about how much I fail to appreciate Him. There are so many little gifts God gives us, gives me. Some of them I notice. It's beautiful. I remember one day thinking about a song I really wanted to hear, Friend of God, in church. I was just talking to God and mentioned it to Him, hoped I'd get to hear it at New City when I was back in St. Louis. That morning the worship band at Denver United played it. I was stunned. I had also mentioned a desire to hear Blessed Be Your Name, and that song was played that morning as well. I was so struck by that tiny act. It could be called a coincidence, but I don't think so. Too perfect a coincidence for me to deem it that. Such a small, random thing, but it reminded me that He hears me, and He cares. So I appreciated that moment! But there are so many thousands of things I never even notice. I count them as part of my daily life, or maybe think I deserve the blessing. I'm not under-appreciated, but I under-appreciate God. Yet, He's never walked away. He never will.
We watched It's A Wonderful Life tonight as a family. I strongly dislike that movie, a fact I discovered only just this evening. I know, I know, I'm crazy. That's one of those movies you are supposed to watch and feel all warm and fuzzy inside because it's so cute and has a happy ending and gives meaning to life. It's really quite ridiculous and self-centered that such a movie should make me feel so negative. Maybe I'm just moody, maybe I'm retarded, maybe I'm completely narcissistic. Those are all quite valid options.
I'm the kind of person who loves to do things for people, loves to give gifts, loves to help, loves to make people happy, etc. But I also love to be appreciated for these actions. I'm bad at just serving for the sake of serving, I want recognition. Just a "thank you," or "we need you," or "we couldn't have done it without you" ... that sort of thing. It's kind of a problem, because I then get mad or frustrated that people (aka my family) haven't noticed how much I've done, or properly recognized it, and then "we've got a big, big mess on our hands tonight..." (The Academy Is). I'm not sure if this even makes sense...but anyways...
I'm also one of those kinds of people who frequently wonders what impact I actually have on people's lives. I've had a lot of friends, and I've lost a lot of friends. I don't know if I'm just a terrible friend, if there's something wrong with me, if I push people away (unintentionally), or if I'm just not the sort of person who is meant to have lasting friends. Watching It's A Wonderful Life didn't make me realize how much I'm needed in the world, instead it reminded me of all the times I've felt so helpless and useless, unwanted and unneeded. I kinda wish I could have a George Bailey moment (aside from the jumping into a freezing lake in the dead of winter after my guardian angel). I wish I could know that whatever I've done in this life has made some sort of difference. Sometimes I'm not so sure it has. I haven't done great things like George Bailey had. He gave up so much for his friends and family and town. He sacrificed himself constantly for others, but he was never bitter. Well...he mostly wasn't. That day he was. Anyways, he was a generally cheerful and loved person. Of course his life made a difference!
Then at the end of the movie George gets a Bible from his guardian angel. It has a quote on the inside that says, "Remember, no man is a failure who has friends." That quote only added to my negative feelings. Like I said, I've lost a lot of friends. Most of them, in fact. I have absolutely wonderful friends at college. I love them dearly. They are the greatest, but back in St. Louis, I have very few friends. So does that make me a failure? And if so, what have I done so wrong to have so many people leave.
Then I had a miniature fight with my dad...more like a slight disagreement. So I was pissed. And feeling very unappreciated. I've been doing a lot here...cooking and cleaning and dishes and laundry. I'm not actually sure how anything was done when I wasn't here! But mom said they got along just find without me, so I guess they figured out a way. I went up to my room in a pretty bad mood. I'm not proud of it, but that's just the way it was.
I started painting. Painting is wonderful. Art is great. It's therapeutic. I'm so thankful God gave me art, because sometimes I feel like that's all I have. It made me feel a bit better, I was just sitting there painting and thinking and questioning. Questioning is good. It's better than just accepting life and hating it. I don't think there's anything wrong with questioning God. I think He would rather us be upset and questioning and at least talking to Him than in a static and routine religion. I don't even remember exactly what I was thinking or saying, but I know He told me I was being silly. I was like, "I know! But I want to act like a ridiculous child! I don't want to accept anything, I want to be in a bad mood and angry and hurt!" I thought about the movie, and failing. I thought about not being accepted or needed. I thought about people leaving, losing friends. I wondered what is the point in caring so much about people, or putting so much into a relationship, if people leave. And I just remember very clearly hearing, "Have I ever walked away?" Yeah. Good point. I shut up and thought more about Jesus after that.
He doesn't leave. He's never walked away. He's always there, even though I complain and argue and bitch. I whine so much. I take Him for granted. I'm upset about people not appreciating me...let's just think for a second about how much I fail to appreciate Him. There are so many little gifts God gives us, gives me. Some of them I notice. It's beautiful. I remember one day thinking about a song I really wanted to hear, Friend of God, in church. I was just talking to God and mentioned it to Him, hoped I'd get to hear it at New City when I was back in St. Louis. That morning the worship band at Denver United played it. I was stunned. I had also mentioned a desire to hear Blessed Be Your Name, and that song was played that morning as well. I was so struck by that tiny act. It could be called a coincidence, but I don't think so. Too perfect a coincidence for me to deem it that. Such a small, random thing, but it reminded me that He hears me, and He cares. So I appreciated that moment! But there are so many thousands of things I never even notice. I count them as part of my daily life, or maybe think I deserve the blessing. I'm not under-appreciated, but I under-appreciate God. Yet, He's never walked away. He never will.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Jango and Love (A Continuation of My Last Post)
I was chilling with my wonderful and adorable doggy, Jango, and thinking about a scene from a TV show I watched last night. The scene featured a distraught woman and her boyfriend. Her distress resulted from some rather tragic news she had just received from the doctor...she was incapable of birthing children. Her boyfriend tried to comfort her, wrapping his arms around her and saying, "It's okay, I love you, and I will always love you." Now obviously his undying love wouldn't give her the ability to have kids. It didn't fix the problem, in that sense. But all the same, the knowledge that no matter what he would always love her was a comfort.

So what I realized is that even though the world can be painful, and I don't understand they why of it, that's not what really matters. Even though my life can be hard, and others lives even more difficult, that isn't the point. What matters is that Jesus loves me, and that He always will.
Saving the World, One Smile at a Time
Well...I'm either super lazy or completely uninspired in St. Louis. Or I'm enjoying sleeping to much to do anything productive. Regardless, I'm posting now!
These past few weeks have been crazy. When I first got back to St. Louis it was ridiculous. I hated it, I hated being here, I hated being away from DU and Colorado and friends. Needless to say, I wasn't in the greatest of moods. I felt angry and bitter and sad, and I'm not entirely sure why. It just wasn't the greatest of situations. I wasn't happy with my attitude, but I couldn't seem to change it no matter what. I tried to be kind, caring, happy, but I just got frustrated with everyone and ended up mad at them.
Finally one day I became really heartbroken about it. I cried and yelled and pleaded and talked to Jesus for a long time. It didn't seem fair, that I had been so happy in college and now had to deal with being so unhappy. It wasn't fair that I only got a few months of joy when I've had so much sadness, and it wasn't fair that the joy only got to last when I was having fun, or with friends. I wanted to be happy all the time, no matter the circumstances, like Paul.
I started thinking about how much I thought I had changed in college. I thought I was filled with joy and love, because of Jesus, not as a result of my circumstances. I thought I was getting stronger and more caring, more servant-hearted. But coming home, I realized that I hadn't changed that much. Maybe I'm actually just a bitter, awful individual, with some lovely mask on in college. Maybe not, maybe my family just brings out the worst in me. Or maybe I'm willing to let my poor qualities shine when around my family because they're supposed to love me no matter what, whereas if you get too annoying or rude around friends they can just leave.
So I cried out that I wanted change, I wanted to truly be different, I wanted to love and care and be joyful no matter what came my way. And Jesus has been working in me, changing me, showing His awesome strength through my weakness. I feel content, happy, loved. I still miss everyone from DU terribly. I can't wait to go back. But I know that even if I never got to return to college, never saw my dear friends again, I would be okay - sad, but okay. As long as I am living my life loving Jesus and sharing His mercy and love with others, I will be okay.
These past few weeks have been crazy. When I first got back to St. Louis it was ridiculous. I hated it, I hated being here, I hated being away from DU and Colorado and friends. Needless to say, I wasn't in the greatest of moods. I felt angry and bitter and sad, and I'm not entirely sure why. It just wasn't the greatest of situations. I wasn't happy with my attitude, but I couldn't seem to change it no matter what. I tried to be kind, caring, happy, but I just got frustrated with everyone and ended up mad at them.
Finally one day I became really heartbroken about it. I cried and yelled and pleaded and talked to Jesus for a long time. It didn't seem fair, that I had been so happy in college and now had to deal with being so unhappy. It wasn't fair that I only got a few months of joy when I've had so much sadness, and it wasn't fair that the joy only got to last when I was having fun, or with friends. I wanted to be happy all the time, no matter the circumstances, like Paul.
I started thinking about how much I thought I had changed in college. I thought I was filled with joy and love, because of Jesus, not as a result of my circumstances. I thought I was getting stronger and more caring, more servant-hearted. But coming home, I realized that I hadn't changed that much. Maybe I'm actually just a bitter, awful individual, with some lovely mask on in college. Maybe not, maybe my family just brings out the worst in me. Or maybe I'm willing to let my poor qualities shine when around my family because they're supposed to love me no matter what, whereas if you get too annoying or rude around friends they can just leave.
So I cried out that I wanted change, I wanted to truly be different, I wanted to love and care and be joyful no matter what came my way. And Jesus has been working in me, changing me, showing His awesome strength through my weakness. I feel content, happy, loved. I still miss everyone from DU terribly. I can't wait to go back. But I know that even if I never got to return to college, never saw my dear friends again, I would be okay - sad, but okay. As long as I am living my life loving Jesus and sharing His mercy and love with others, I will be okay.
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Wonders and the Beauties and the Joys
Sorry I haven't posted anything in ages! This is from last week. We drove to Louisiana and I just blogged on paper and typed it up later :)
It's a beautiful place, this world in which we reside. Sometimes I really just can't even believe it. Honestly watching the city-lights from the air last night was one of the most beautiful sights I've even seen. The lights looked like tiny jewels laid into an intricate bracelet or necklace, twinkling and glowing in the soft light of a display case.
Now I'm driving with my familia to Louisiana for Thanksgiving. I just finished reading Becoming Chloe (by Catherine Ryan Hyde). It's one of my favorite books of all time, thus far. It chronicles the journey of two kids who've had messed up lives as they search for meaning in a cruel world. They're searching for beauty, and they find it.
This world is just so incredible. I wish I could think of a different word to use for 'beauty' because I feel as though I'm over-using it, but there's honestly no other word that can properly describe this place. Of course there are ugly parts, there's sin and cruelty and badness. That doesn't mean there isn't beauty though. “Nobody said it was a beautiful world with no scars,” Jordan in Becoming Chloe says. And sometimes you need those moments to fully understand and appreciate the other times. It's like Jordy says in his letter to Dr. Reyso, “But now I feel like anybody can think the world is beautiful when it's all going their way. That's just like untested faith. But when you've got one eye swollen shut and you still know it's better than it is bad, then you're onto something...It's a beautiful world, but also a scary one. I used to think something couldn't be both. But then I remembered the point of no return on the Niagara River, and how much it fascinated me as a kid. Because it was just that; beautiful and scary. It's like once you get that sense that there's no real security, that anything at all can happen to you, then every minute you're okay is a joy. Part of the joy is feeling like you can make your way in a world that isn't always easy.” And there's so much beauty, and so much joy in this big world.
“It's such a beautiful world, Jordy. I didn't know. I didn't know it was such a beautiful world. I mean, how could I know? …. What if I'd lived my whole life and never known? Do people live their whole lives and never know?” I wish we all knew! I'm looking out the window and watching the world as we drive by and it's spectacular. The sky is blue, spotted with little puffs of white clouds. The trees are mottled green and red, gold, orange and crimson, brown and yellow. Everything is sharp, clear, crisp with the preparation of a biting winter. The grass is a brilliant green, contrasted by brown fields of crops now ended. The saddest part is realizing that so many people won't, or can't, see this sight as I do. They won't relish the warm sun streaming in the window, highlighting the clouds and trees in a halo of light. They would only see a dying forest, brown and bare. But there's beauty in the circle of life. It's just like Jordy says, “Without her, I might have seen all this and still not known what a beautiful world it is. That I the saddest fate of all.” Truly it is the saddest fate of all.
You have to just live. Sometimes I think we rush through life. All our time is spent trying to find the next best thing, but maybe this is the best thing! The world is full of wonders, so many we can never experience them all. But we should spend every bit of our time soaking in all the beauty and joy and wonder of the world. It's a waste not to. And there are so many perfect moments, moments that would be a life worth living just to experience that one minute or hour or day. Jordan and Chloe climb a mountain. At the top Chloe says, “Even if this is the only thing I ever did in my whole life, it would be worth having a life just to do this.” We should live like that. Experiencing each moment to its fullest, a life worth having.
Another part I just love of this book is noticing the small joys and beauties. An especially striking part is when they're on the mountain. Running into two other hikers, Jordan and Chloe are asked if they've seen anyone else. Jordan says no, Chloe says yes. Confused, Jordan asks Chloe who else she saw, and she says the marmots. He responds that he wasn't counting the marmot. “How can you not count them marmots?” Chloe says. They go to see the Grand Canyon and mountains and the Painted Desert. Hitchhiking to the ocean to ride horses on the beach, Chloe and Jordy meet a very wise ninety year old man. He tells them he's barely scratched the surface of the iceberg of beauty, there's so much no once can ever take it all in. And he reminds them about the little things. “Nothing wrong with the Grand Canyon,” Maximilian says, “Nothing wrong with wanting to see the ocean. Nothing wrong with big beautiful things. But sometimes beauty can be some pretty close work.” The world's a beautiful place, if you just open your eyes and see.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The Wisdom of Lions
<-- That's Sherman, my adorable Lion
Sunday night was one of our last nights together as a floor. Shannon, Alaina, Katherine, Nhat, a few others, and I spent the evening in Shannon and Nermina's room watching movies on their lovely television. Elf was playing. I love that movie. Who wouldn't want to be called a cotton-headed-ninny-muggins? Prince Caspian aired next. Although the movie is a bit cheesy and could definitely be better, it has some absolutely fantastic lines from Aslan, the great lion. C.S. Lewis was a genius for sure. A few certain lines stuck out to me in particular.
One point of interest in the movie is Lucy's virtually unwavering faith in Aslan. She sees him at one point and cries out to her companions, who have not seen him. They don't believe her, and I believe it is Peter who asks her, “Why wouldn't I have seen him?” She plainly replies: “Maybe you weren't looking.” What wisdom she speaks! I find myself constantly doing this with God. I ask myself, ask others, ask Him, WHY can't I see him? Why can't I decipher what He's doing, why isn't my life clear, why can't I understand everything and see His perfect plan in everything? Maybe I'm just not looking clearly enough. Maybe I'm spending all my time looking for my own version of an answer, unwilling to see the truth. Maybe I don't want to accept it, maybe I'm too stuck in my own sinful ways. Regardless, He's there...I'm just not looking.
Or maybe sometimes I cry, like a character in the movie, “I wish he'd given some kind of proof!” and the only response can be, “Maybe we're the ones who need to prove ourselves to him.” Oh the truth in those words! I'm always asking God why, trying to test Him, question His reasoning and omnipotence. No, no, no! God never has to prove Himself. We can't run about searching for the proof of God. It's all around us! Look at the sky, the stars, the sunrise, or sunset. His glory, the proof of Him, surrounds us, great and mighty. It is us who must prove ourself to Him. We are fallen people. We fail and sin and lie and cheat and fail and fail and fail. God still loves us, though, despite our desertion, abandonment, and betrayal. But He never has to give us proof of His glory and power. We are to follow Him, because He knows best, and all His plans are perfect, even if we can't, or won't, understand the reasons.
Flying into Fire: the Last Sunset
The engine starts, plane rattling and shaking a bit. You're sitting by the windows and you can see the wings tremble and quiver. You begin to move, the plane slowly driving down the runway. Green light illuminate the path, emeralds sprinkled on the grounds, like bread crumbs marking the path home. The plane picks up speed. Your leg muscles tighten, pressing closely to the seat. Your whole body tenses, dreading and anticipating the heart-stopping moment when the plane lifts off. Suddenly the wheels leave the runway. The sky and ground are at an awkward angle. Gravity is defied. You are flying.
Slowly the cars and buildings shrink. You're staring at a matchbox creation – small and imaginative, anything could happen. The roads and houses create intricate lines and shapes with little splotches of color and varying shades of brown. It could inspire an abstract painting.
Then you see it...that glorious setting sun. The plane accelerates, flying directly into the medley of orange, salmon, gold, and red. The mountains are dark, cast in shadows. They blend in to the dark purpling clouds as the sun slowly retreats.
The sky darkens and the plane coasts high above the world. You sit back and close your eyes. When you open them next it's pitch black outside. Peering down into the dark world you can see small clusters of light...cities and towns, light spots in a dark place. They look warm and inviting, safe and comfortable, and so, so unattainable from this great height.
The plan descends. Tilting down towards the earth, everything suddenly grows bigger. First the too small for Polly Pockets to dwell, it grows to the size of a Lego masterpiece, then Barbie-size, and then the normal size for humans. The ground is coming up quickly. It's almost terrifying, that imminent reaching the ground. Right before the plane hits you brace yourself. The wheels hit the earth with a jolt. You shudder, shake, and release the tension in your body as the plane slows to a halt.
Wait for awhile, and then it's lift off again. The same body-tensing, heart rattling mount into the sky. It might be the closest you'll ever be to flight like Peter Pan's, free and careless, childish joy. The city of Minneapolis twinkles beneath you. If only there were words to describe its beauty. The lights flicker and shine. Oranges and reds, golds and yellows, whites and lights. Everything glistens in the dark, shining together into an alluring picture of light. If only it could be captured, hung on a wall, and enjoyed forever. Instead it must reside in your mind's eye...perfectly hanging there for years to come. A sight worth seeing, and never forgetting.
St. Louis draws near. The lights shine and the houses grow larger. Trees become clearer, a whole world appears from the blur of colors and shapes you saw from above. You land, you are back, a sort-of forgotten version of home.
(Pretend this was posted on Tuesday)
(Pretend this was posted on Tuesday)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
To Ms. Julia, RIP
Julia Richer is quite possibly the most incredible person I have ever met. Today, she met Jesus. She had cancer for the past two years, but she spent her life praising God. Her every moment was devoted to sharing His love and goodness with those around her.
When most people hear they are going to die they stop living. Their remaining days, weeks, months and years are spent preparing for their imminent release from this earth. Many finish writing their will. Some spend their days mourning their loss of life, others visit the places they had always wanted to go, and many spend time with their families. These are not BAD things in and of themselves, but they seem to be done with a sense of hopelessness. When most people discover they are fatally ill they stop serving, loving and caring. They prepare for that next step in their adventure of existence by focusing on themselves. They no longer view their lives as a progression, but more like nearing the bottom of a great hole they’ve been falling through. They also begin to question, and usually they question their Maker. Hate, bitterness, fear, confusion...these are all additional emotions that generally accompany a person when they hear of their fatal illness. They don’t understand why this has happened to them, and they often blame God for their troubles. Often they put on a good show for friends and family, but the pain and fear are still hidden beneath their fake smiles and lying “I’m OK”’s. It is so, so simple to believe in the goodness and compassion of Christ when life is easy, but someone’s response during tragedy shows their truest nature.
Ms. Julia, as the youth of the church affectionately call her, was not ‘most people.’ Quite the opposite, her joyful smile and caring persona were true and tangible. Though I will never know what went on inside her mind, I do know she was never bitter towards God. She didn’t know WHY God has allowed her illness, but she accepted her fate and lived the rest of her life to the fullest in Him. Almost two years ago, Ms. Julia received the awful news that she had terminal cancer. Incurable, she learned that she would most certainly pass away within the next few months to a year. In Ms. Julia’s response she proved, once again, that she is not ‘most people.’ Martin Luther said that if the world was going to end tomorrow, he would plant a tree today. Why? Because he wasn’t going to give up, he wasn’t going to stop living. Ms. Julia didn’t give up, and she never stopped living. She devoted her time to her daughters and the youth in the church. She continued to serve the youth choir and held potlucks at her house. She never stopped caring about others. She lived each day as if she has a million more, even though each day could, potentially, be her last.
One Sunday morning the church sang “God Is A Good God” and Ms. Julia joined the choir and added her sweet voice to theirs. Her face radiated with the joy of the Lord, her song was like that of the birds, joyful to be free on a warm spring day. As the band played out the chorus of the song in the background, Ms. Julia took the microphone and poured her heart our to the church. She praised God for His goodness to her in the midst of her pain and suffering through cancer. The church wept. Looking through tear-filled eyes at the hundreds of people in the church, I saw nearly every one crying. They weren’t sad, bitter, or pained cries, they were incredulous, joyful, and touched tears. Hearing her words strengthened us, encouraged us and gave us hope. If she, sick with cancer, could stand before us and praise God with her every breath, surely we could get through our struggles in school or work or at home and know that God is always, always, always on our side.
Ms. Julia’s life, death, incredible love and faith have been and will continue to be a testament to all who hear her story. Ms. Julia’s faith in hard times attested to her genuine love for God. Her faith not only shows what a great woman she was, but has helped others to grow closer in their relationship with God. Ms. Julia’s faith touched my life. I have seen her unrelenting belief in the goodness of God. Her refusal to give in to Satan’s lies that God doesn’t care showed me the goodness of God in my own life. Seeing a suffering person praise the goodness of God is one of the most powerful experiences a person could ever undergo. Ms. Julia drew me closer in my walk with the Lord. A person’s response during trials shows their truest self, and Ms. Julia showed her truest self to be a person completely reliant on God and His goodness. She was one of the most faithful, loving, godly, caring, and servant-hearted people I will ever be blessed to know. She will be missed. I know she’s up in heaven right now, with Jesus and singing with the angels, and I cannot wait until the day I get to join her there.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Imminent Ends
It's finals week. Technically I should have shut down my Facebook, blocked Twitter, and avoided blogging. That's just not my style, I guess! I'm sitting at work and should be studying. I've been pouring over Russian notes and Analytical Inquiry (computer coding class) notes for the past few hours, and I'm getting burnt-out. So, I decided to spend a little more quality time with my dear friend, the internet.
Finals are intense. We're all tired and stressed and anxious and relieved. It's hard to have such mixed emotions! There's, obviously, a lot of stress about the tests and final papers themselves. So much of our grades, usually 20-40%, are based on that final paper or test! It's an intense amount of pressure to do really well. I have a Russian oral exam on Wednesday that I'm not looking forward to. It probably won't totally brutal, but it's gonna be hard. We have to make up a story pretty much on the spot with a partner. The second part of the test involves either accusing someone of being a lazy-do-nothing or hooligan, or defending yourself and protesting being such a person. Then Thursday is the cram-all-the-notes-you've-ever-taken-into-your-head-at-once day. Finals themselves are Friday. I have a two hour coding test and then a two hour Russian final. Eek!
These tests are starting to stress me out, if I think about them too much. Having so much on your mind and so much importance placed on succeeding is intense. It also provides a great opportunity to trust. And trusting can be hard. At a certain point I have to let go. I have to come to the realization that no matter how long and hard I study, I can never do better than my best. All I can do is work hard, study, not slack off, and give my all when I take the test. I have to leave a lot of it in God's hands. He knows that I have to get good grades to keep my scholarships, and He knows how hard I'm working. So I have to rely on Him to provide, give me the strength to keep studying, and survive my first finals in college.
This week has more endings than just the finishing of school. It also means going home, back to St. Louis. Now don't get me wrong, I love my family and can't wait to see them, but I'm still super sad about leaving behind the many new friends I have made here. Also, there are rules at home. I'm not really the rebellious rule-breaking type, but going from being absolutely in control of my life to being under the jurisdiction of parents again, it's just gonna take some getting used to. As great as not having class for six weeks and being with my family again will (hopefully) be, I feel like I can't wait until Winter quarter arrives so I can be here, at DU, in Colorado again. It's just another area I really have to trust God in. He's always there for me, and even though being away from my new friends and family at DU will be, my very bestest friend will always be with me, and He'll never change or leave.
Finals are intense. We're all tired and stressed and anxious and relieved. It's hard to have such mixed emotions! There's, obviously, a lot of stress about the tests and final papers themselves. So much of our grades, usually 20-40%, are based on that final paper or test! It's an intense amount of pressure to do really well. I have a Russian oral exam on Wednesday that I'm not looking forward to. It probably won't totally brutal, but it's gonna be hard. We have to make up a story pretty much on the spot with a partner. The second part of the test involves either accusing someone of being a lazy-do-nothing or hooligan, or defending yourself and protesting being such a person. Then Thursday is the cram-all-the-notes-you've-ever-taken-into-your-head-at-once day. Finals themselves are Friday. I have a two hour coding test and then a two hour Russian final. Eek!
These tests are starting to stress me out, if I think about them too much. Having so much on your mind and so much importance placed on succeeding is intense. It also provides a great opportunity to trust. And trusting can be hard. At a certain point I have to let go. I have to come to the realization that no matter how long and hard I study, I can never do better than my best. All I can do is work hard, study, not slack off, and give my all when I take the test. I have to leave a lot of it in God's hands. He knows that I have to get good grades to keep my scholarships, and He knows how hard I'm working. So I have to rely on Him to provide, give me the strength to keep studying, and survive my first finals in college.
This week has more endings than just the finishing of school. It also means going home, back to St. Louis. Now don't get me wrong, I love my family and can't wait to see them, but I'm still super sad about leaving behind the many new friends I have made here. Also, there are rules at home. I'm not really the rebellious rule-breaking type, but going from being absolutely in control of my life to being under the jurisdiction of parents again, it's just gonna take some getting used to. As great as not having class for six weeks and being with my family again will (hopefully) be, I feel like I can't wait until Winter quarter arrives so I can be here, at DU, in Colorado again. It's just another area I really have to trust God in. He's always there for me, and even though being away from my new friends and family at DU will be, my very bestest friend will always be with me, and He'll never change or leave.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
The Allure of Mother Nature
“I guess I could be pretty pissed off about what happened to me... but it's hard to stay mad, when there's so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I'm seeing it all at once, and it's too much, my heart fills up like a balloon that's about to burst... And then I remember to relax, and stop trying to hold on to it, and then it flows through me like rain and I can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life... You have no idea what I'm talking about, I'm sure. But don't worry... you will someday.”
American Beauty is one of my favorite films. It's a little strange, but it has some of the most profound quotes. They're all saved to my computer and taped to my walls at home.
“It was one of those days when it's a minute away from snowing and there's this electricity in the air, you can almost hear it. And this bag was, like, dancing with me. Like a little kid begging me to play with it. For fifteen minutes. And that's the day I knew there was this entire life behind things, and... this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know there was no reason to be afraid, ever. Video's a poor excuse, I know. But it helps me remember... and I need to remember... Sometimes there's so much beauty in the world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going to cave in.”
Yesterday morning I felt just that, like my heart was just going to cave in, there was so much beauty. I slept in late and went for a run around 11:30. Thinking the air would be frigid, I bundled up in a big sweatshirt, sweatpants and gloves. The weather, though chilly, was perfect for a jog. Cool air blew against my face, fresh and alive. Everything was sharp and clear. There wasn't any specific flower or leaf or tree that caught my attention as being exceptionally comely, but the whole picture was so almost painfully beautiful. I couldn't help but smile, and my heart sang for joy.
The other day, maybe Wednesday or Thursday, the sky was spitting out little bits of snow. It was freezing. Dew had frozen to the grass, frosting it like pancakes sprinkled in powdered sugar. All the leaves on the ground had little drops of dew frozen to them. Perfect beads of ice, like resting pearls.
There's so much beauty in the world, if we only keep our eyes open and see. We look every day. Our eyes function, but sometimes we don't really see. Jiddu Krishnamuri said, "If your eyes are blinded by your worries, you cannot see the beauty of the sunset."
Saturday, November 6, 2010
The Big Blue Armchair
When I was little we had this huge armchair. It was blue, with little red and hold lines of stitching running up and down it. I loved that armchair. It was a comfort to me, the day we put it out on the street and replaced it with a newer one I was sad. I used to sit curled up in the chair, surrounded by its soft blueness. I would lean my body and head against it's back and feel warm and safe. It was like sitting in someone's lap, their arms wrapped around you. It was completely secure. That chair was sort of my image of God. My big father, whose lap I could curl up in and be completely protected.
The other night I was sitting sideways in an armchair in our floor kitchen and I had a flashback to those warm protected moments in the big blue armchair. Suddenly all I wanted to do was lean my head on it's strong back and feel small and safe again. That's God for me. My favorite image of God is when I'm feeling hurt, down, broken, like a failure, or happy, full of life, in need of a hug, any emotion really, and I just close my eyes and picture myself in his lap. Like a Santa Clause in the mall. He's big and loving and accepting. He forgives me for every single wrong I've ever committed, and volumes could be written, I assure you, and He wraps His strong arms around me, rocks me back and forth, and reminds me that He loves me more than I could ever imagine.
I had to go back and ask for that unfailing forgiveness today. I should every day, but I don't. Every day I should get on my knees and thanks the Lord for this beautiful world. I should thank Him for giving me life. I should thank Him for His great sacrifice. I should thank Him for His love. I should thank Him for forgiving me even though I fail Him daily. Daily, I should do these things, but daily I don't. I'm a college student, I'm busy. But too busy for God? Too busy to take moments of my day to dwell in His word? That is a failure. That is my failure.
As I was reading in Matthew this morning I came upon this verse:
The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him." Matt 12:35
I'm a follower of Jesus! His good should be shining out of me. I should be loving and serving and caring, just as Christ did. Yet every day, there I bring evil. I complain. I fail. I think about myself every moment of my day. I gossip. I don't trust Him. I worry. I care too much about the materialistic things of the world. I fear people's thoughts of me. I don't love God the way I should. I fail Him every day. Where is the good? I want my life to tell the story of Jesus. If you were to type up the Story of Katy Owens I would want the word most frequently uttered to be some form of "Jesus," or "God," "Christ," or "Lord." He is my story.
I can't do this alone. Infact, I can't do it. I'm utterly incapable. I am weak. But God's power is made perfect in my weakness. So I am weak, and broken, and a failure. I give it Jesus. He can make me stronger, He can work through my failure to bring Himself to power. And I pray that one day I can have good stored up in my heart, so that what comes out of me is a reflection of Jesus' grace and love and goodness.
The other night I was sitting sideways in an armchair in our floor kitchen and I had a flashback to those warm protected moments in the big blue armchair. Suddenly all I wanted to do was lean my head on it's strong back and feel small and safe again. That's God for me. My favorite image of God is when I'm feeling hurt, down, broken, like a failure, or happy, full of life, in need of a hug, any emotion really, and I just close my eyes and picture myself in his lap. Like a Santa Clause in the mall. He's big and loving and accepting. He forgives me for every single wrong I've ever committed, and volumes could be written, I assure you, and He wraps His strong arms around me, rocks me back and forth, and reminds me that He loves me more than I could ever imagine.
I had to go back and ask for that unfailing forgiveness today. I should every day, but I don't. Every day I should get on my knees and thanks the Lord for this beautiful world. I should thank Him for giving me life. I should thank Him for His great sacrifice. I should thank Him for His love. I should thank Him for forgiving me even though I fail Him daily. Daily, I should do these things, but daily I don't. I'm a college student, I'm busy. But too busy for God? Too busy to take moments of my day to dwell in His word? That is a failure. That is my failure.
As I was reading in Matthew this morning I came upon this verse:
The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him." Matt 12:35
I'm a follower of Jesus! His good should be shining out of me. I should be loving and serving and caring, just as Christ did. Yet every day, there I bring evil. I complain. I fail. I think about myself every moment of my day. I gossip. I don't trust Him. I worry. I care too much about the materialistic things of the world. I fear people's thoughts of me. I don't love God the way I should. I fail Him every day. Where is the good? I want my life to tell the story of Jesus. If you were to type up the Story of Katy Owens I would want the word most frequently uttered to be some form of "Jesus," or "God," "Christ," or "Lord." He is my story.
I can't do this alone. Infact, I can't do it. I'm utterly incapable. I am weak. But God's power is made perfect in my weakness. So I am weak, and broken, and a failure. I give it Jesus. He can make me stronger, He can work through my failure to bring Himself to power. And I pray that one day I can have good stored up in my heart, so that what comes out of me is a reflection of Jesus' grace and love and goodness.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
A Tuesday
I should have been doing homework, but sometimes you just can't focus. I think we're all a bit ADD. So I just lay there in the grass. The sun warming my face as I stared at a sky so blue it looked like it had been painted as a backdrop for a movie. And I watched the leaves and grass as we breathed in and out together to the beat of the wind.
Monday, November 1, 2010
The Irresistibility of Fallen Leaves
Some fall days are just perfect. The sun is warm and comforting. The sky is a brilliant cerulean. You look up and see an array of bright colors, starkly contrasted against the blue. Shocking reds, dazzling yellows, and luminous greens create a patchwork above you. To further the perfection of this fall day, the trees have left us gifts - leaves sprinkled on the ground before us.
There is something so quintessential about dried fall leaves on the ground. They're so perfect, with their crisp edges and bright colors. Even the tattered, brown, or crushed leaves have sharp edges and intricate details. Sometimes the only word to describe them is crunchy. I feel as though every time one sees a leaf they are faced with a question. To step upon that inviting and satisfyingly crunchy leaf, or simply admire it, preserving it's beauty and perfection.
Last week my art class carved pumpkins for Halloween. Stepping outside to place my pumpkin with the others along the wall, I entered a world of scrap metal and fallen leaves. My excitement bubbled up. After docking my pumpkin I ran inside, grabbed my camera, and spent a few minutes blissfully capturing every winding vine, sharp leaf, and rusted metal I saw.
It might seem so strange, but I was almost breath-taken by the beauty of that moment. Enclosed by a concrete wall, there were bits of scrap metal, long pieces of rusty metal, and half-finished sculptures littered about. Leaves were sprinkled everywhere. The sun was shining and the sky was bright blue. Everything was vibrant and clear.
The world is a beautiful place. I know there is pain and suffering, broken people and despair, hurt and loss. But one can't deny, the world is still a beautiful place.
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